Call for Participation!
We call forth MSR Educators to conspire with us to build a comprehensive and annually updated resource of materials useful for teaching mining software repositories to anyone and everyone!
We seek an audience who will use this resource.
We seek contributions to make this resource better and more relevant to educators and students!
Many professors who research MSR also teach MSR. There are numerous graduate classes offered all over the world teaching MSR and empirical software engineering techniques and tools. We are probably reinventing the wheel each time we such a course thus it would be nice to share resources. Sharing educational resources will help our field mature as well as attract new comers, such students being onboarded for MSR research.
How can I help?
- If you educate students please browse our educational resources!
- If you have educational resources to share please write up a brief description and share it with us on github: (Note we use the gh-pages branch for the jekyll based blog!)
When is it due by?
As of March 1st we are accepting submissions! But we will be integrating submissions up until the MSR 2019 conference on 2019-05-26. First draft of submissions will be due 2019-05-01. Then we’ll clean them up.
After the conference we will periodicly check and fix and update the site until we can hand it off the new chairs for MSR 2020.